Edgar Berlanga is 23 yrs old and is of Puerto Rican origin. He grew up in Brooklyn, NY and began his boxing career at age 7. By the age of 18, when he turned pro, Berlanga had a total of 162 amateur victories. Edgar is an 8-time national champion and silver medal winner in the Junior Olympic Nationals.


Edgar Berlanga Puerto Rican Boxer


Edgar has followed Tito Trinidad and cites him as his favorite boxer of all time.  Coming from poverty, Edgar states “if you have a dream, you need to continue to chase that dream no matter what obstacles present themselves. At the end of the dark tunnel you will eventually see the light”. 

At 160, Edgar who stands at 6’2, Is very dangerous. He is young, fast, powerful, and has used his tools to accrue 15 first round knockouts in route to a 15-0 record!


Edgar Berlanga